Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's an Alligator!!!

Come here...gator..gator..gator.. Gary showing Murray how to Alligator Whisper while the Alligator is thinking "is that leg wooden or real?"

Up nice and close....maybe too close?

Very close..

Murray the Alligator Whisperer Apprentice......good job Murray!!

Gary celebrates his birthday again.....

Murray and Ilona give Gary a birthday present....

It's perfect!! A coleman citronella candle for those pesky skitters...

Thanks guys!!

At the Beach with Murray, Ilona and the boys

YAY!!! We made it to the beach.......
Ilona and Chester playing....

Murray with Kobi and Brandy

Gary walking the beach

Donna and Murray relaxing

Here comes Ilona

Donna and Brandy

Having a great time.....we want to stay

Gary and Murray at the Naval Air Station Museum at Pensacola, Florida

Arriving at the Naval Air Station Museum - Gary and Murray.......Murray trying out one of the planes

Looking at all the old planes

OK.....would you board this flight if you knew that Gary and Murray were piloting this plane???

Notice Gary hitting Murray with his cane....Gary is probably saying fly faster.......

The Blue Angel Boys

The Crawfords have arrived at Gulf Shores, Alabama!!

Murray, Ilona and the boys arrived Monday April 12th at Gulf Shores. Murray is busy setting up. Their campsite is right in front of ours. Great!!

They forgot their can opener and knife so they put their food (beans and bagel) in the slide hoping that when they opened the slide it would solve their

Chester, Kobi and Niko watching for alligators.....

Our first dinner - Murray made turkey meatballs and Donna made a pasta salad.....yummm - then we worked it off playing ladderball.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Strawberry Festival in Loxley, Alabama

Upon arriving at the Strawberry Festival Gary was checking out the Old Car Show. Then we had some lunch while watching an all girl band called Mustang Sally.

After lunch we walked the craft show and then the midgway.
And just before leaving the Festival we indulged in some Strawberry Shortcake.....yummmmm

Brandy and Donna with the Azealia Bushes

Look at Brandy having fun at the Azealia Bushes...

And of course after Brandy does her business that is when Donna has fun....

Donna and Brandy hiding in the bushes...

Before we can get back in the car we have to clean all the pine needles of our feet...